I spent years of believing I was not smart or educated enough to compete for other job opportunities in the workforce because of my learning style. It seemed as if what took others merely hours or days to learn would take me at least a week to learn. Often times I found myself comparing my performance to that of others. This not only gave me feelings of inadequacy but also impacted my confidence level going into interviews, It was difficult transitioning back into corporate America. Unlike my day to day interactions with people, where talking and building relationships came natural, visualizing and verbalizing my strengths in interviews was next to impossible.
Would they accept me?
Would they be patient with me?
Would they fire me and tell me I do not have what it takes?
These are questions that haunted me as I sought out my place in the corporate world. Rejection, for me, was completely unbearable and was something I would avoid facing at all costs. Instead, I chose to stay stagnant in the same workplace doing whatever was least challenging.
I hit my social work breaking point at 10 ½ years and although I was interviewing, I kept being told no. It was at that point that I decided to jump in the deep end of the “fear swimming pool,” holding my breath with both eyes closed. I called on God and told him, “It’s all on you babe” in my Yella Beezy voice and I resigned. Following my resignation I was hired as a skincare consultant at a department store. It was during this time in my life that I started doing vision boards, setting attainable goals and reaching them.
It was a simple act of trusting God, taking action for my own life, holding on tight to faith and being vulnerable to a new beginning that lead me down this path. I was rediscovering and falling back in love with myself, trying new things. I had also began doing radio, T.V. and speaking engagements. This was a time of learning, growing and evolving in life and I was loving every second of my journey. Except, there was one thing missing, a more active and intentional relationship with God. Shortly after repenting, I returned to my church, Mt Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Lexington, KY , where I was welcomed with open arms, I begin singing in the choir and volunteered to work with the young adult ministry. The constant fear and self doubt is what kept me from realizing both my purpose and potential.
Power Your Vision was born.
My personal mission in life is to see all of my clients learn, grow and thrive. Especially, if you are someone who struggles with fear, self doubt or self confidence. Through Power Your Vision I am able to speak positivity into the lives of people empower and encourage them to achieve their goals.